We will be heading to Prince George next week Feb 25 to play the legion. Its one of my Favourite places to play. Then the 18th of march we will be involved with the Big Chill Event in Dawson Creek and here's the link for that https://www.facebook.com/encanaeventscentre/photos/a.10150180401440338.424645.41440235337/10158204051675338/?type=3
Will be playing the Rolla pub booked for Newyears and looking forward to visiting Prince George Legion on the 25th of February. In the mean time have been in the studio putting the final touches of the Alaska Highway 75 anniversary album which I'm very happy with!!!😁
As I was walking the beach with my family hearing "Factories in Eye" in my head thinking about the end of our Festival season there's a sense of accomplishment which I was thankful to do with the support of Jennifer Lalonde , my Family and the best year yet for me with Amy Gothard , Danny Bell Kiernan Anderson and Brianne Hudson Wouldn't be able to do it without the help of Karl Mattson and family of sweetwater905fest, Lionel R. Conant Rosemarie Conant of Music in the Meadow, Grassy plains Fest, Steve and Astrid Hensey of Hootstock, Carol Weatherall and crew of NorthCountryFair, Dessert Daze Fest, Arwen E. MacDogooder and Crew of Roguefest. David Jacob Harder Julie Fowler, Paul Crawford, Sam E. Tudor and crew of Artswells.
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